Commissioned by St. Joan of Arc Church in Phoenix, Arizona, this set of works were completed in 2024. Painted in acrylic on canvas at 10 ft by 7 ft, their theme presents the source and summit of St. Joan's own share in Christ and her path to heavenly glory, thus giving the worshipper a model of true discipleship. St. Joan was so convinced of the Lord's desire that she stand against tyranny for the saving of France, that she was willing to endure misjudgment, torture, and even death for the love of God and his Church. Similarly, each of us must fight the principal battle against our own pride, self-absorption, and sin. This portrayal focuses the viewer on the figure of St. Joan, at once soft and feminine, and deeply submissive to the will of Christ, yet fierce in her devotion and confidence.
Available in Giclee on Canvas, or Prints on Paper for your home or parish! We’ve also designed a St. Joan of Arc Journal, which you can purchase here.
The Passion of St Joan of Arc, by Ruth Stricklin, © 2024 New Jerusalem Studios, LLC