The original work of art was commissioned by Fr. Robert Clements, Chaplain of the All Saints Catholic Newman Center of Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona.
At 24 feet high and 13 feet wide, the original work depicts the scene of Pentecost. Following the direction of the Lord, the apostles, and the Blessed Virgin Mary had gathered in Jerusalem when the Spirit descended upon them, and “there appeared to them tongues of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them, “ (Acts 2:3).
Inspired by the Beuronese School the work employs a substructure of sacred geometry, assisting the composition in providing quiet balance, order, and harmony. Muted colors and stylized figures avoid the imposition of a particular emotive experience, but draw the worshiper into participation in Christ’s self-offering in the Mass.
Descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, by Ruth Stricklin, © 2018 New Jerusalem Studios, LLC.